After being ill and away from training for a while I decided to return to martial arts. The problem, I went in like I had been training before I got ill. The result was a full Labral tear on my shoulder. I did not have the fitness or strength foundation which I had before, and this was my error.
I started working with Jamie before my shoulder surgery, working around the problem and improving strength in the areas of which we could target. Once I had the shoulder surgery Jamie continued working with me to regain mobility and strength. It was tiresome and quite frankly not a highlight in my life. However, Jamie kept me on the path towards my goals and constantly kept me in check to ensure I didn’t reinjure myself further. Coaching comes in so many different forms, some take a back seat and create crazy sessions that they will think keep you engaged, but a great Coach focuses on where your body needs to be to perform at your best. Jamie not only assisted in the process of building a solid foundation but also reminded me that my goals are in reach, just keep building, strengthening, and working to be the best form of myself. Mental and physical health work together, to strengthen both you need a knowledgeable Coach and I’m grateful I found one in Jamie.